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NEW! Using Digital Moderation to Increase Your Productivity at Work with Chantal Orr, Business Advisor

NEW! Using Digital Moderation to Increase Your Productivity at Work
with Chantal Orr
, Business Advisor
Tuesday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
We’ve all experienced it. We feel overwhelmed and distracted throughout the day from the constant stream of alerts and messages sent by our media devices. In the workplace, productivity becomes more of a challenge as our time is consumed by social media apps and other addictive digital media platforms. Can we learn to become more focused and productive at work? Is multi-tasking really effective? Can we better manage our digital consumption and build a healthier relationship with technology? In this soft skills webinar Chantal will explore these questions and offer simple techniques to help you remain focused and productive throughout your work day. Sign-up today!